Thursday, November 9, 2017

Outcomes of Democracy

Q.1.Why is democracy considered a better form of govt.?
Why do people prefer democracy? Explain with four reasons
a)It promotes equality among students.
b)Democracy enhances the dignity of individuals.
c)Democracy allows us to correct our mistakes.
d)It improves the quality of decision making.
e)It provides a method to resolve conflict.
Q2.How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in economic sphere? 
Ans. a) Democracy stands for equal economic status to all citizens.
b) In democracy every citizen has right to do any profession.
c) In democracy government undertakes extensive social welfare schemes and achieve universal economic growth rate.
d)Democracy government took so many welfare schemes to remove poverty. 
Q3.Is a non democratic government efficient?
Non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about decisions, majority and public opinion. So they are able to have quick and efficient decision. However, democracy is based on idea of deliberation and negotiation and so some delay is bound to take place. A democratic govt. takes more time to follow procedures before arriving at a decision. Its decisions are both more acceptable and more efficient to the people.

Q4.How do we assess democracy’s outcome? 
Ans.We assess democracy’s outcome on the basis of its comparative outlook and socio- economic and political achievements like:
a)Comparative analysis between democracy and dictator ship.
b)It provides accountable, responsible, representative and legitimate government.
c)It develops mechanism for the people’s participation in the decision making process.
d)It promotes economic development. At the same time democracy has the characteristics of economic inequality and disparities.
e)We can also assess its outcome on the basis of the way it accommodates the social diversities.
f)It also promotes dignity and freedom of the citizens. 
Q5.How does democracy accommodate social diversities?
Ans.a) It reduced the possibility of tension.
b)It evolves mechanism to negotiate the differences.
c)It expands democratic rights to minority and weaker section of society.
d)It ensures the dignity and equal rights to all its citizens. 
Q.6.How does democracy produce an accountable responsive and legitimate govt.?

Democracy produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government in the following ways:
(a) Democratic government is responsible to the people. It cares about the opinions, needs and expectations of the people.
(b) In a democratic government, people have the right to choose their leaders and have control over their leaders.
(c) In a democratic government, citizens are able to participate in decision making. In this way the basic outcome of democracy is that it produces a government accountable to the citizens.
(d) Democracy produces legitimate government because after every four or five years, the representatives of the people are elected by secret ballet. The majority party forms government which works according to constitution.

Q7.How democracies are based on political and economic equalities? 
Ans a) All citizens have equal role in electing representatives.
b)Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into political arena, we find growing economic inequalities. 
c) Democracy does not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. 
d)The ultra rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and income.
e)At the bottom of the society, the people have very little to depend on. It is very difficult to meet their basic needs of life, such a s food, clothing, house, education and health
Q.8.Have democracies promoted economic growth and development? .
If we consider all democracies and dictatorships in 50 years between 1950 and 2000,we find that dictatorships have a slightly higher rate of economic development.Moreover economic growth is dependent on several factors such as: -the country’s population size, global situation, co-operation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country etc. So we cannot say that democracy can guarantee economic development but democracy will not lag behind dictatorships in this respect.
Q9.Democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens.” Support this statement with suitable arguments. 
Ans.a)Democracy develops a harmonious social life. Democracies accommodate various social divisions.
b)Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming explosive or violent.
c) In democracies people learn to respect the differences and also evolve mechanism to negotiate the differences.
d)The majority always needs to work with the minority so that government functions to represent the general view.
e) Democracy has ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflict
Q10.How  democracy helps in reducing economic disparities?
Ans.a) A democracy believes in equitable distribution and makes efforts to serve the poor at the root level.
b)A democracy believes in providing equal opportunity to all. Democratic governments have been supporting poor people through various schemes to uplift their economic level.
c)Poor people are being provided food and shelter at a subsidized rate and also free medicines and treatment facilities.
d)They are being insured for any unhappenings, so that their families do not get crushed.
e)They are being provided free education, reservation in educational institution and government jobs, etc. 

Q11.“Transparency is the most important feature of democracy.” Analyze.
Ans.. a)Democracy ensures that decision-making will be base d on norms and procedures.
b)So, citizens who want to know if a decision was taken through correct procedures can find this out.
c)The people have the right and the means to examine the process of decision- making.
Q12.Why is a democratic government considered less-efficient? Give any three reasons. 
Ans.a)Deliberations and discussions in the legislature consume lot of time.
b)The fear of majority and public opinion is a big obstacle in the efficient working of the government.
c)Deliberations and negations cause delay in taking decisions or getting the plans executed. This also adversely affects efficiency.

Q13.Has democracy led to the development, security and dignity of the people?
Ans. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government. Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individuals. The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. This has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies. We can take the case of dignity of women. Most societies across the world were historically male dominated societies. Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity today. On the other hand, in non-democracies, individual freedom would not have legal and moral support. Democracies in India have also strengthened the claims of the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunities. Perhaps i t is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens values their democratic rights.
Q14. Describe the features of dictatorship?
 Ans a) Monopoly of powers.
b)One party
c)Faith in force
d)Emphasis on duty and discipline

e) Belief in racial superiority
Q.15 What is the real performance of democracies?
Ans.The real performance of democracies shows a mixed record. Democracies have had greater success in setting up regular and free elections and in setting up conditions for open public debate. But most democracies fall short of elections that provide a chance to everyone and in subjecting every decision to public debate. When it comes to sharing information with citizens, they do not have a very good record. All one can say in favour of democratic regimes is that they are much better than any non-democratic regime in these respects
Q.16.Why do people all over the world support the idea of democracy?
Ans.Democratic government is a legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean but a democratic government is people’s own government and in this respect it is certainly much better than its alternatives. That is why there is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.
Q17. Name any four distinguishing elements of democratic politics all over the world.
Ans.Distinguishing elements of democratic politics all over the world:
(a) Democracies differ in social situations;
(b) They differ in economic achievements;
(c) They differ in their culture.

Q.18.Is having democracy enough? What are the conditions necessary for success of democracy?
Ans.Democracy means rule by the people. But only having a democratic government is not enough. There are certain conditions necessary for a democracy.
(a) Free and Fair Elections: Elections should be held regularly in the country. They should also be held in an impartial way. Role of money should not be there in the elections.
(b) Moral Soundness of the Citizens: The success of democracy depends on the moral soundness of the citizens. It means that individuals should have tolerance for different views, religions and languages. They should place national interests above the personal interests.
(c) Economic Equality: There should be sufficient economic security for the individual. There should not be large gap between the poor and the rich.
Q.19 What are the demerits of dictatorship?
Ans.Dictatorship means “rule by few”. All the powers in the government are with a single person or with a single party. The demerits of dictatorship are given below:
a) Suppression of Civil Liberties: In a dictatorship, people are not allowed to disagree with the policies and programs of the government. There is no liberty of thought, speech and writing.
b) Decisions Taken by the Dictator: All the decisions are taken by the dictator himself. Generally, he does not consult anybody before taking decisions.
c) Violence: Violence is very common in dictatorship.

Q.20.What are the merits of dictatorship?
Ans.The merits of dictatorship are:
a) In dictatorship, there are no competing political parties. This ensures stability in the government.
b) The orders are carried out as soon as they are passed in dictatorship. This brings speed and efficiency in the system.
c) The dictators take all the decisions themselves. This enables them to take quick and decisive decisions.

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